Thursday, November 22

I'm thankful for

I've been tagged by Sheila, its quite a difficult one for me because its made me realize that I need to slow down a bit and appreciate the finer things in life...

So here goes, these are the things (not sure if I have to list 10, but I will anyways) that I'm thankful for everyday of my life...

1. My comfy tilam and creaking bed.
2. Clean water and toilet.
3. Dermalogica.
4. Hand phones.
5. Computers.
6. ATM cards.
7. Handbags and clothes.
8. Blogs..what a great way to keep in touch.
9. Music when I'm caught in jams.
10. Cable TV


idah said...

Hey everyone. Guess what? I won! I won cos I was the first (and ONLY person) to call Yuz and sing the bird song. And the prize???...

Yuz said...

Kak Idah...silap post dah!! You're supposed to put your comments in the one before.

Anyways, I forgot to tag someone else, so I'd like to tag Madame Curi.

Yuz said...

By the way, the prize is, you get to chose between :
1) A life time passport to sing the bird song in HRC, so that everyone can learn it.


2) As you've suggested, the drumstick with the little meat left, but first I need to go find the burung gagak!!

Okaylah, I will think of a real prize, something worth singing for.

yangfaz said...

By the way..Kak Idah also asked me and yes I can remember the tune as well..lambat baca Yuz punya Idah can share the little meat on the drumstick with me.

yangfaz said...

By the way..Kak Idah also asked me and yes I can remember the tune as well..lambat baca Yuz punya Idah can share the little meat on the drumstick with me.

Roving Soul said...

i kinda expected another list of ABBA songs, hehe.

Siti Khadijah said...

I wanna a prize too. Nak jugak. Nak jugak. Nak jugak. Burung Kakak Tua, hinggap dijendela. Gagak sudah tua....

Siti Khadijah said...

I'll answer the tag tomorrow.

Siti Khadijah said...

Check out comments under Move On in my blog. Someone is calling you Kak Yuz he he.

Matapena said...
