Firstly....Applause! Applause!
What a good way to start a blog, by wishing all you jhoras Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Mohon maaf, yang driving to kampung, please drive safely, don't forget to wear seat belts, di mana sahaja anda berada (as in front or back).
I will be back tomorrow or the day after with my version of the cookies baking session, Ebi's version a bit dry :-)
This blog was created in 5 minutes. A more pleasing look will be coming your way after I consult experts (eintanz the freelance Consultant)
By the way, picture courtesy of Ewnict!!
Finally, let me be the first to welcome you to the blogosphere.
Update us with the latest, in anything and everything.
May the jhoranisme be with you always...
heheh tak lah expert yuz, i pun belajaq from kengkawan lain gak. but yesth, i would love to decorate your blog. pick a theme! pick a theme!
btw farhan's lookin super cute in that picture.
yeayyyyyyyy!!!!...see....u can do it!
Farhan look so cute!
Kalau ye pun, release the comments tu. Dah nak tengah malam dah ni...
Your HTC Touch can go online kan...
Welcome aboard! congrats, u made it too. really, your gift in writing should have long make its way here.who knows, perhaps one day our blogs might be published just like 'the diary of anne frank'...
looking forward to the next post.
Yuz, Cepat lah tulis pasal buka posa.
Keep on writing!
My russian name is
Laryssa Lyubochka Kozlov
Finally I can breathe a bit....
Ebi, lemme just say that you are not mmm the first, someone else amongst you deserve that title. not telling!!
Eintanz, nanti kita meet up for a blogup and sashimi session...the rest more than welcome.
Nani, what san i say...another jhora people really want to read about our daily lives?? of course they do.
We have such interesting lives Yuz! Hehe. Anyway, Kak Nina, what's my Russian name?
Ebrov Jhoravski :))
And how come I am not the first to comment? And if I am not the first, where is the first comment? (just being jhora-nistic)
Ebi, lemme rephrase, you are not the first to welcome me, but the first to comment...can ah?
Mata Pena sure tension.......
OK that's better... Kakak, Ebrovski better... sounds Khazakhstan tho
kak nina i want a russian name too. whats mine? whats mine?
btw ebi's russian name is soo kelakar.
Sorry Intan I didn't see your request. Lambat sanagat nak tunggu keluarq kat blog ni. Awat depa nak sekat komen. Mcm kita kan baguih tak de cencorship. Ebrovski and Yuzski please just let our comments just come out. Lebih best. Kalau ye pun kite2 je yang bagi komen.
Err Kak Nina, my blog kena control sikit. Nanti elemen elemen pelik mengomen susah...
Selamat Hari Raya to u to Yuih!!
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