It poured...
Mandi hujan
Kam cutting kambing and daging bakar
Triple birthday
One of the many feisty ulars at the Taman Ular. The Taman Ular is actually a research facility for antivenom or something like that. Hence you see ponies there as well, ponies are probably used to test the antivenom. This particular ular reacted to the noise that we were making and instantly rose and ready to attack. Upon seeing this, I started to hum and sing to the tunes of "my-version-of-a-snake-charmer" song. This snake reacted as well, and Dina just started to shout in panic.
Kam's grandfather
Peace, serenity....
Sumer kena tipu, I only managed to upload what was intended to be the last photo...sorry Intan. Gambar XXX Kam mandi hujan later kay...
Updated 30th of October
Okay, I managed to upload a few more...wait ah Intan
Wire spoils it all.
nak buat cam mana, the electricity cable was not part of the scene a few years ago...this picture is taken close to kam's parents' dusun. now dah ramai orang mula build nice bungalows along that road, one of which belongs to one of the two menteris from perlis.
Hmm. This place looks familiar. Then again, if you go to Perlis, everything looks familiar. The hills are identical, ditto the sawah padi, etc. But I love the serenity of the place. Would love to go there one day. Must go beyond Penang...
yuz jahat...nak tengok gambaq xxx km..
Haaa dah ada gambar dah. Intan you can breathe now...
yuzzie, more and more and moreeeee
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