My room..a bit scary at night, banyak bunyi burung dan serangga pelik-pelik.
View from my of the angles
The thorns, the guy in the stripy red shirt is my boss, Mr. Richard Salter whom a friend, Aunty K (I have to blog about her at some point) refers to as Timmy Boy..because he looks like that boy who turns into a rat in one of the Harry Potter movies. He is also a nice boss, sometimes too nice I think, shelters most of us from all the crap that comes our way. A few of us agree that we need to confiscate his laptop at some point and force him to go on a vacation. We can do that in this company. He's only gone off for a one week vacation in the past 10 months.
The guy next to him is Richard as well, I used to report to him, until he couldn't take it anymore, but he is one of the greatest boss/friend/bouncer that one could ever wish for. Keeps other Mat Sallehs at bay when we attend conferences and parties..."Hoy, that's my Project Manager that you're talking to".
Next to him is Frazer Barclay (everyone thinks that he looks like Mr. Bean, but I think he is better looking), I reported to Frazer when I first joined Odegaard, then he left to expand the business in Perth and I took over his position. He can also pass off as a Bollywood actor, well at least that's what the Indians think. When we were wondering around the streets of Mumbai, a few people stopped him and asked him if he was a Bollywood actor.
Next is Phil Beale, I reported to him after Frazer left. He decided to go back to the UK after about 11 years of being in this region. Also one of the nicest boss one could ever wish for...whenever he wants to be that is. We argued a lot as well, come to think of it, I guess its just me, I am so degil and set on doing things my way.
Next is Ben Flack...the latest addition to our little family in the region. He's just started his job as our Segment's Business Development Manager for China, Korea and Japan. Very nice guy in a geeky way.
The rose amongst the in the words of my great friend, Richard Bottomley..."That's a very good picture of you there, its a pity that you had to be surrounded by ugly blokes" to which I said, "Eh, why are you being so sarkas? Do you see the size of my arms?" Dahlah tu, bergambar dengan diorang ni nampak sangat lah betapa cerahnya kulit ku.
Phil is quite good looking. Wy got so many Richards?
that ben affleck does look geeky.
is richard bottomley the one in the dark grey shirt?from the lateral view he doesn't look ugly.
and is this phil the phil i met at paddington station?he doesn't wear glasses anymore?he looked like he put on weight too.
Too many Richards! I agree.
the only lady...hmmmm...anyway i like this entry. colorful. keep it comin yuzzie
Actually there are 3 Richards. Yes Yana, same Phil, I'm surprised that you noticed the missing glasses. He got his eyes corrected before going back to the UK. Cheaper here in Malaysia apparently.
Actually Frazer is the best looking, Scottish to boot...and has his own Barclay tartan, one for hunting, and another for formal ceremonies like weddings...I'm sure he could easily take me for a ride on a white horse :-)
Yana, lupa nak tambah, Richard B is not that bad looking actually, with a good heart, not a typical Mat Salleh, married to a not so typical Singaporean and speaks Indon as well. His nickname is Richard P@nt@t Besar.
What white horse! What does he wear underneath his tartan ;)
I don't think her exploratory skills involves tartans, kakak!
hahaha!who gave him that nickname?
and yuz,i dont want to tell you what else i noticed about that short meeting i managed to check him out :)
kakak,a wise scotsman said to me once.. "A scotsman never reveal what's under his kilt".I take it we have to find out ourselves.
i've just had dinner with mr. p@nt@t besar and nina..who will be my pengganti when i leave this beloved segment of mine at the end of the year...feel a bit sad.
yana, mr. b got his nickname from his ex-indon girlfriend's friends.
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