Sometimes when you are angry it's good to just sit down and think about the problem. It pays to not react immediately....
Divorce rates would definitely be lower if every married couple practise the above. "You angry ah? Nemain lah, sit on me"
Well...you asked fot it :-)
sit on me?err...i don't think so. i'd rather go for retail therapy.
If I'm angry I just go for massage. Bliss..........
Don't be angry, be happy...
peace no war! eh lari tajuks..
laaaa i baru perasan yg that dog duduk ataih cat tu..kikikikikikik
oh come on, i'm sure if your spouse were to sit on you, there would be a lot of struggling right?
well...i would pura-pura struggle initially.
yuz, depend on what kind of sitting. if torturing kind mmg rasa tak boleh breath la. pelik when its the 'other' kind of seating...boleh plak tarik napaih panjang2. hehehehe
yana, hmm very kinky..police and thief?
If spouse sit on me, I would have no problems with that as I am considerably bigger...
yes eintanz...with the outfits :P
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