Its been a long time since my last post, hence I've chosen a title that's very apt. (Note to Alfy, i also like the other meaning of the word)
It has now been 2 weeks since I started my new job. So far so good. My previous job still hunts me though, can't seem to shake people off. Tapi tak palah, kita mesti tolong people who are in need.
I've also been good at keeping to my resolutions (please see below) apart from number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (He!He!)
1. To not stay in the office till very late. 7 pm latest only if necessary.
2. Really work from home on Friday.
3. Exercise regularly, like twice a week.
4. Plan my vacation...there are three types, family break, spouse break and personal break.
5. Cook more, start with twice a week.
6. Lose weight
7. Play golf
I'd like to think that I have lost weight. Almost everyone at Shariman's wedding (those yang dah lama tak jumpa) told me that I've lost weight. Ada yang tanya kalau I dah kahwin, normally yang ask those kind of questions are old makcik-makciks (obviously asking for their anak etc) but sad to say this time it was a pencinta wanita (Aku memang pencinta wanita, dan aku memang buaya).
I also graduated from my Bullet Proof Manager's course today. Although I've missed 2 out of the 12 sessions that I am supposed to attend, I am the first to graduate from Schlumberger, the rest have missed the 10/12 chance. Today's session was held at Carcosa, instead of the usual Renaissance. We covered 2 topics presented by Lisa Ford and Zig Ziglar. Both were great, but the one given by Zig was called Establishing Goals and Priorities. And one of my Personal Action Plan is to come up with a list of Wild Ideas. Will share that assignment with all you beautiful people. Okay, got to go now.
Love y'all.
Golf? What golf?
yes I think you hav lost weight Yuz..can see!
Zig I like reading some of his books..quite an inspirational speaker..wonder what was it like seeing him in person..Yuz???
well i have the video...actually zig does it for the courses in the states, but here in the region, they show a video of his us sessions and then the facilitator takes over. it was not quite meeting him in person....and i'll see you, and i mean you at the top.
Yuz has lost weight! You keep going up and down he stairs dear!
I'm so tired..........zzzzzzzzzzz
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