Last night I decided to actually start putting some of my old photos into an album. There were so many....I started with photos from USM. Reckoned that that would be the easiest. I realized that I have more photos of my performances (menyanyi, berlakon dan menari) and fun time (picnics, Penang bridge escapades etc.) then of me doing activities related to my actual course work. Field trips adalah a few, even then it looked like we were clowning around. No wonder lah my dean then (Prof. Aziz Tajuddin) was so worried about me and my extra-curricular activities.
A few weeks ago I received a USM Alumni magazine and I found out that two of my ex-lecturers have been appointed Deputy VC. I sent them both an email congratulating them of the new appointments. Both responded asking me to keep in touch but one of them even said, "Yes, how can we forget you, with all your singing and dancing, furthermore your sister is in UKM". He even asked if I was involved in any recent Drama Minggu Ini.
When I was in school, I grew up being in the shadow of Kak Idah..."Are you Yang Faridah's sister?" Aiyo, pressure, pressure. Now its "Are you Yang Farina's sister?" Nasib baik zaman dok kat Uni, Kakak tak famous lagi, kalau dak sure lagi pressure. But if I were given a chance t go back in time and relive my Uni days, I wouldn't change a thing.....will share photos when I get a scanner.
Wednesday, January 30
Tuesday, January 29
You Angry ah?
Friday, January 25
Resolution No. 2
I'm doing resolution no. 2 from home. So lega...I get to complete all the little things that have been on my to-do list that seems to have taken forever to cross out.
Amazing how much you can accomplish when you're not physically in the office where people bug you all the time. Amazing how people seem to be able to get things done on thier own when you are not around. Best!!!
Amazing how much you can accomplish when you're not physically in the office where people bug you all the time. Amazing how people seem to be able to get things done on thier own when you are not around. Best!!!
Tuesday, January 22
Assalamualaikum all u beautiful people...
Its been a long time since my last post, hence I've chosen a title that's very apt. (Note to Alfy, i also like the other meaning of the word)
It has now been 2 weeks since I started my new job. So far so good. My previous job still hunts me though, can't seem to shake people off. Tapi tak palah, kita mesti tolong people who are in need.
I've also been good at keeping to my resolutions (please see below) apart from number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (He!He!)
1. To not stay in the office till very late. 7 pm latest only if necessary.
2. Really work from home on Friday.
3. Exercise regularly, like twice a week.
4. Plan my vacation...there are three types, family break, spouse break and personal break.
5. Cook more, start with twice a week.
6. Lose weight
7. Play golf
I'd like to think that I have lost weight. Almost everyone at Shariman's wedding (those yang dah lama tak jumpa) told me that I've lost weight. Ada yang tanya kalau I dah kahwin, normally yang ask those kind of questions are old makcik-makciks (obviously asking for their anak etc) but sad to say this time it was a pencinta wanita (Aku memang pencinta wanita, dan aku memang buaya).

I also graduated from my Bullet Proof Manager's course today. Although I've missed 2 out of the 12 sessions that I am supposed to attend, I am the first to graduate from Schlumberger, the rest have missed the 10/12 chance. Today's session was held at Carcosa, instead of the usual Renaissance. We covered 2 topics presented by Lisa Ford and Zig Ziglar. Both were great, but the one given by Zig was called Establishing Goals and Priorities. And one of my Personal Action Plan is to come up with a list of Wild Ideas. Will share that assignment with all you beautiful people. Okay, got to go now.
Love y'all.
Its been a long time since my last post, hence I've chosen a title that's very apt. (Note to Alfy, i also like the other meaning of the word)
It has now been 2 weeks since I started my new job. So far so good. My previous job still hunts me though, can't seem to shake people off. Tapi tak palah, kita mesti tolong people who are in need.
I've also been good at keeping to my resolutions (please see below) apart from number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (He!He!)
1. To not stay in the office till very late. 7 pm latest only if necessary.
2. Really work from home on Friday.
3. Exercise regularly, like twice a week.
4. Plan my vacation...there are three types, family break, spouse break and personal break.
5. Cook more, start with twice a week.
6. Lose weight
7. Play golf
I'd like to think that I have lost weight. Almost everyone at Shariman's wedding (those yang dah lama tak jumpa) told me that I've lost weight. Ada yang tanya kalau I dah kahwin, normally yang ask those kind of questions are old makcik-makciks (obviously asking for their anak etc) but sad to say this time it was a pencinta wanita (Aku memang pencinta wanita, dan aku memang buaya).
I also graduated from my Bullet Proof Manager's course today. Although I've missed 2 out of the 12 sessions that I am supposed to attend, I am the first to graduate from Schlumberger, the rest have missed the 10/12 chance. Today's session was held at Carcosa, instead of the usual Renaissance. We covered 2 topics presented by Lisa Ford and Zig Ziglar. Both were great, but the one given by Zig was called Establishing Goals and Priorities. And one of my Personal Action Plan is to come up with a list of Wild Ideas. Will share that assignment with all you beautiful people. Okay, got to go now.
Love y'all.
Tuesday, January 8
Red FM, good start, but you can't have it all
Okay, I just had to share this with all you beautiful people who will appreciate music from....the past two decades..age shall not be mentioned. Anyways, Kam has programmed Red FM on my radio baru-baru ni, and I just love the songs. Don't remember the frequency, but try to find it if you can. Yesterday on our drive home from her school, Dina kept on asking me this question, "Siapa nyanyi lagu ni Mummy?" As I sang the "oldies" that was played...Most of my answers were, "Entah Mummy dah lupa, Kenapa?" and she'd say, "Best lagu ni".
Yesterday was my first day at work for 2008. It also meant that it was my first day with my new role in the company. I also discovered this restaurant in Kampung Baru that serves masakan kampung. Memang best. Went with my new boss and two clients. I think I'm going to enjoy this new job.
Yesterday I also received good news. I received a Letter of Award on behalf of my previous segment. That was the final bid that I worked on last year, the person that succeeds me (still don't know who, the guy from the Houston office not coming after all) is now closer to the target.
Yesterday, Linda (a childhood friend and ex-neighbour) lost her baby boy. She was 8 months pregnant. Still born. This was her third child. Makcik Amah and Uncle Fudzil invited us over for a doa selamat. Linda was supposed to have given birth at 6.30 pm, and had been induced, but as of 10.30 pm when we left, she still hadn't given birth. Sleep well Mohd. Firdaus. Al-Fatihah....
Yesterday was my first day at work for 2008. It also meant that it was my first day with my new role in the company. I also discovered this restaurant in Kampung Baru that serves masakan kampung. Memang best. Went with my new boss and two clients. I think I'm going to enjoy this new job.
Yesterday I also received good news. I received a Letter of Award on behalf of my previous segment. That was the final bid that I worked on last year, the person that succeeds me (still don't know who, the guy from the Houston office not coming after all) is now closer to the target.
Yesterday, Linda (a childhood friend and ex-neighbour) lost her baby boy. She was 8 months pregnant. Still born. This was her third child. Makcik Amah and Uncle Fudzil invited us over for a doa selamat. Linda was supposed to have given birth at 6.30 pm, and had been induced, but as of 10.30 pm when we left, she still hadn't given birth. Sleep well Mohd. Firdaus. Al-Fatihah....
Breaking News
At the Greater Cincinnati Airport today, an individual, later discovered to be a school teacher, was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a compass, a protractor, and a graphical calculator. Authorities believe he is a member of the notorious Al-Gebra movement. He is being charged with carrying weapons of maths instruction.
At the Greater Cincinnati Airport today, an individual, later discovered to be a school teacher, was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a compass, a protractor, and a graphical calculator. Authorities believe he is a member of the notorious Al-Gebra movement. He is being charged with carrying weapons of maths instruction.
Friday, January 4
Pandora's Box
Kak Ana spent practically half of her day with me yesterday. One of the things she did was lie down beside me as I sorted out my accesories...we enjoyed ourselves, she laughed till she teared. She laughed so much when she realized that I have a disease...the "menyimpan" disease. She was shocked to see that I still kept ear-rings that I've had since we were in our teens. As I was going through them, she'd say things like "Remember subang yang macam pisau or arrows..." and I could actually show her a sample. Some she forced me to throw away, I would put them aside, and then after contemplating, I'd kutip balik and kept them all in our box. So I have a box of huge bling-blings from the 80s right up to th 90s, sesiapa yang nak pinjam for a theme party you know where to find me :-)
She also looked at old photos, we were trying to figure out if my convo was before or after she got married...she looked at the gold medallion cap tali kapal that she wore and immediately said, "Definitely lepas kahwn sebab aku dapat tali kapai tu just before kahwin!!". She is so funny.
By the way, just had to add that I actually have costume jewellery that once belonged to Kakak, Kak Adek, Kak Idah and Baby. Some of Kakak's beads are now back in fashion, but my daughters dah kebas.
She also looked at old photos, we were trying to figure out if my convo was before or after she got married...she looked at the gold medallion cap tali kapal that she wore and immediately said, "Definitely lepas kahwn sebab aku dapat tali kapai tu just before kahwin!!". She is so funny.
By the way, just had to add that I actually have costume jewellery that once belonged to Kakak, Kak Adek, Kak Idah and Baby. Some of Kakak's beads are now back in fashion, but my daughters dah kebas.
Thursday, January 3
Happy New Year
Hello all you beautiful people...
I've been busy settling into the nirwana house. Taking a break now interspersing mengemas and blogging and "ym"ing with yummy mummy. Amazing what you discover when you spring clean...forgotten handbags, boxes of Tupperwares (the real thing), my stage make-up (complete with fake eye lashes, eye putty and false hair for buns) and old photos that have not been "album"nized. I'll definitely share some of these old photos with all of you (Yana, watch out! Even found our away netball photos, for those yang tak tau, Yana terror main netball and basketball).
Okay now back to storing. Love you lots.
I've been busy settling into the nirwana house. Taking a break now interspersing mengemas and blogging and "ym"ing with yummy mummy. Amazing what you discover when you spring clean...forgotten handbags, boxes of Tupperwares (the real thing), my stage make-up (complete with fake eye lashes, eye putty and false hair for buns) and old photos that have not been "album"nized. I'll definitely share some of these old photos with all of you (Yana, watch out! Even found our away netball photos, for those yang tak tau, Yana terror main netball and basketball).
Okay now back to storing. Love you lots.
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