Monday, May 5

To die for or can die one?

I've got so many possible posts just waiting to be released, but I always seem to be giving the same time. Truth is, the last thing that I would like to do when I get home is get in front of the computer and start blogging.

But this picture I just have to share with anyone of you jhoras who love this man. I am currently going through this Shah-maniac phase. Duk sibuk tengok all his movies, when I manage to find the time. So gurls....enjoy this picture (as in the words of Kak Ana...SLURP! SLURP!)


Matapena said...

Yuz, what happened to you? Are you sick? Why is this happening to all you females?

First it was Yati. She was the one I thought would never fall for such a trap. And now... YOU! I can't believe it!

Get over it, you people!

Siti Khadijah said...


dino dame said...

is there something wrong with the picture? i clicked so many times on it but his shirt never came off :P

Siti Khadijah said...

Sure Ebi tension....

Yuz said...

there is nothing wrong with me. I am perfectly normal as with yati, or madam curi or dino dame. i have always been crazy over this guy...drool!!
ask kam. he has even bought me a magazine once just because srk was on the cover....drool! drool!
i shared this photo with an office mate, an aussie and she said, "looks like there is enough of him to share between the two of us"

Matapena said...

He is just a man. Not superman. Aiyo.

Yuz said...

you've got it right ebi...he is just a man. don't have to be superman to win our hearts ...SIGH ;-)

Matapena said...

If I were Kam, I will not buy you magazines... I will do something else... hmm...

Siti Khadijah said...

Kan dah sebut Ebi tension. Enough of SRK to share between us ladies. I want a piece of the t-shirt covering his chest....

Double drool.....

ewnict said...

now that you've got this picture pinned up, nampak BANYAK perbezaan ebi dgn SRK.. wooo. so who was it that once said ebi ada muka mcm SRK sikit2? kuma ka makcik jah...hmm.....

Anonymous said...

oh my.....

oh my....

oh my.....

oh myyyyy.....

Matapena said...

Hey Nani do not question your aunts. They have wisdom and sense. Sense and sensibility. Hahaha.

Yati - stop drooling.

Anonymous said...

SRK..mmuachhh -ija-

shopaholic and friends said...

im rubbing my body on the screen!!! die die die dieeeeeeeee. warghhhhhh srk! warghhhhhhh!!!!

shopaholic and friends said...

eh, how is it felt ******g him ah?

Lady L said... comment...

Mo said...

OK Yuz... WHAT are you thinking of 'slurping' when you look at this picture? LOL