Original post created on 4/7/08
Let's play pretend.
Let's pretend that I've always been updating this blog.
That I did not leave it unattended for like....never mind.
Nana Lan reminded me that I have not updated my blog for the past....never mind.
But he did ask me to put more pictures. So I'm starting with these pictures.
Kak Adek, these pictures I took when you were in ICU, in the hope that one day when you are a lot better, I can show you what was happening outside.
Update (22/5/09)
Now that you are a lot better, and can feel pain when I sit on your left hand, or when I pinch your but, and can dance like Elvis, I guess its time that I reveal these photos and write again...as usual some of the photos are of us doing what we do best...makan!!!
Some of the photos are of the excruciating acupuncture....some of you might not believe me, but after the master pulls out the needles, I could feel these currents flowing and pulsating/vibrating from Kak Adek's skin. Pretty much like when you touch a leaking electrical appliance.

These are also coincidentally, the first download of photos from my then new Cybershot! So Kak Adek, like I said, some of the photos ada sedikit unsur-unsur syok sendiri :-)...sorry if they're a big too small, I will upload them onto Facebook for all you...in about another year kut (hope not).
1 comment:
Oh my god. You mean you JUST uploaded the photos??? :(
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