Monday, December 31

New Year's Resolution

I have decided to start a new tag....
Here's what you need to do...

1. List down as many things as you want as your New Year's resolution.
2. Post it in your blog, change the date to the last day of the year.
3. Update your list whenever you can think of anything new.
4. Tag someone else to do the same.
5. You're responsible for helping that person achieve their resolution :-)

Since I've started this, I'd like to nominate Dina as the person to help me achieve this target.

So here's my list

1. To not stay in the office till very late. 7 pm latest only if necessary.
2. Really work from home on Friday.
3. Exercise regularly, like twice a week.
4. Plan my vacation...there are three types, family break, spouse break and personal break.
5. Cook more, start with twice a week.
6. Lose weight (uurghh...haven't we heard that one before)

I'd like to tag Yummy Mummy :-)


7. Play golf

Family break is now tentatively in thinking of an island.

8. To only buy one nice handbag...only one.


Anonymous said...

NICE tag! :-)

I have had the lose weight for the past 7 years kot!

dino dame said...

i have never had any new year's resolution's because i never believed i can achieve them.alright,i will do this tag only because i think it's a cool tag and that YOU are responsible for me to achieve it haha.

Yuz said...

Tag along

shopaholic and friends said...

yuz, no 1 tu possible ke?

Matapena said...

My dear Yuz, can you please explain the rational for resolution 4. I mean, what the hell is a spouse break? Aiyo.

Yuz said...

Personal break is kinda like the one I took in Bali with Kakak and Yana.
Spouse break is the kind that you and Kak Ana always take.
Family break is the kind I always take.

Siti Khadijah said...

Make it Greenland or Australia :))

Matapena said...

I love our spouse breaks then.... hmm...