Friday, November 23

Of bad month and ladybird

This morning, as I was driving to work, I stopped at a traffic light. Not just any traffic light, it was the same junction where I saw the two gagaks sharing the drumstick, and guess what, the birds weren't there. So Kak Idah and Kak Adek will not get their fair share of the drumstick prize of knowing the Bird song.

I then looked down at my jeans and saw a ladybird. Don't ask me how it got there, but my guess it it must have flown/found its way on me when I got in the car. Ladybird...still got the word bird there since its bird week, what a coincidence!! It started to crawl everywhere, and I didn't panic. Don't know where it ended, probably in my baju, but I had to focus on my driving. Okay enough of birds!!

It has been such a bad week for me. I missed my revenue target by USD98K, all because of imcompetent fools and tools.

USD32K, because of clients yang tak tahu what data they've got, we wasted too much time sorting out their database sampai project got delayed.

USD25K because a tool got stuck in the hole while drilling. Which meant that they had to stop drilling, recover the tool and then continue. As a result, we could not complete our work sebab data pun belum acquire/measure lagi, hence tak leh start the project.

USD41K sebab another segment that I was relying on just &@cked up their QC. Today, I had to spend an excruciating hour explaining to the client why we will be very delayed on that project. Client pun kecut jugak sebab he too has now got to go back to his management and explain the situation. So unfortunate that this has to happen to a project with a very high visibility.

Looks like I may not be able to achieve my target of 1.6M for the year, which will affect my bonus. I sometimes wonder why I even bother. Next week I have to attend a workshop and miss Dina's life is starting to look like a typical American movie. Mother (usually its the dad) too caught up with work, trying to secure money for a stupid organization and still fail in the end....and to top it all off, her kids feel neglected.


Siti Khadijah said...

Don't be too hard on yourself Yuz. The kids are not neglected as you spend your whole weekend attending to their needs. They know that you love and care for them.

Roving Soul said...

Well, it probably will get better next week.

I hope Dina will do well. All the best to her!

shopaholic and friends said...

your kids are the best and they got the best from their mother. *hugs*

p/s - dah ambik dina's present?