I awoke on Sunday morning in Selayang to the sounds of my phone's alarm at about 6.45 am. When I switched off the alarm, I saw a message from one of my colleagues, Nina, who was in Copenhagen attending a training. The message said "Mama is gone. Please pray for us. Am arriving midnight"
Nina's mother has been battling breast cancer for about a year. She was diagnosed of having it last year, and went through an operation. She was suppposed to follow up with chemo, but the mother gave up after one cycle. It was too painful for her to bear.
Nina is a genius, obtained her Masters when she turned 23. Was already with Odegaard in Copenhagen (part time) when she was doing her Masters. Upon completion, she came to our KL office. Being the ony one amongst her siblings who has made the cut, she is also the bread winner. Sometimes I see the toll that it takes on her, juggling work and bearing the responsibilities of financing her whole family.
Last Friday, I found out from her boyfriend Massimo (he's Italian) that her mum was having difficulties breathing, so he needed to rush home (Nina was in Copenhagen the whole of last week). Myrna died in her sleep at around 3 am. Nina's sister, Annabella (nicknamed Babe) woke up at 3 am as that's usually the time her mum needed to drink. Babe found her dead, still warm, but not breathing.
Kam and I had to help them make the police report, without which no caretaker, or funeral house could do anything. You can't even buy a refrigerated coffin without it. After making a few calls to Uncle Bazari about what I need to do, and what documents I'd need to bring, and to Uncle Shahari as well to find out the location of the closest police station, Kam and I made our way to Seri Maya Condo, where they lived. The journey that should take 10 minutes, took close to 2 hours, thanks to the HINDRAF riotings (sorry Ebi, I'm going to refer to it as riotings...through my eyes lah). I told Babes to take the pedestrian bridge in front of Kampung Warisan to the LRT station, where I will be waiting at the end of the stair case. Babes cried all the way down the stairs when she saw me. Poor girl, she's about 21. Put her studies on hold as someone had to care for their mum.
We made the report at the Keramat Police Station in AU2. The riotings were kind of a blessing in disguise because it meant that only women were left to man the police station (there was one old Sikh policeman though, but he was just sitting around). Not only was the station run by policewomen, the one who did the documentation was inexperienced. Uncle Bazari told me that I need a letter from a doctor confirming the death, that letter we did not have. All that we had was a letter from Pusrawi confiming that Myrna has cancer. I explained everything to the policewoman, that I am the boss of a Filipino whose not in the country. Told her that Myrna has cancer, Anabella foud her dead at 3 am at home. This policewoman calls her boss, conversation went like this "Tuan, ada orang nak report kematian. (Silence). Mati kat rumah. (Silence). Orang Filipina. (Silence). Passport ada. (Silence). Surat doctor ada. (Silence). Ok, terima kasih"
After about half an hour, we had all the needed documents...I have to say that the policewoman, kept on writing "Cancel" as the cause of death, until I couldn't take it anymore and told her that its with an r, she laughed and made all the corrections.
After that we went to Seri Maya.
It was weird, seeing her mum lying there in the living room. Massimo was busy on the phone, calling several funeral parlours, to get the best rates. He was also surfing the web to find out more parlours, in addition to the list that our Administrator had provided him.
Massimo cried when he told Kam and I what happened since I last saw him on Friday. Being the man of the house was difficult at times like this, especially when you are only 25. Danial was walking around the house unaffected. Babes also layan him as usual. (Actually later on in the day, Dina asked me about the whole incident, I told her to ask Danial, he sked him, he said, he went to the police station, after that he went to aunty nina's house and played at the playground. Then I interjected and said, ada nenek tengah tidur kat situ kan? and he said, takda lah nenek tu dah mati)
Kam and I didn't know how else to help them.I suggested that they call someone from the St John's Church where they usually go, but Massimo didn't have the number of any of the Pinoys, or someone from the embassy. Nina called, and after the go ahead from her (as she is the financier), Massimo decided on the funeral parlour and made the calls. It was Myrna's wish to be cremated. Cremation has now been set to Friday, wake started today. Myrna will be cremated at the place near Kak Idah's house. Massimo's dad arrived yesterday from Italy. He's now taken charge as the "orang tua".
Nina has been a pillar of strength through all this. She didn't cry when I spoke to her when she was in transit in Dubai. I guess she couldn't allow emotions to take control as she needed to make very crucial decisions remotely. She cried when I spoke to her on Monday though. When everything has been sorted out. She cried because she feels blessed that eventhough this happened to her family in a foreign land, the nurse at the funeral parlour, the embalmer, the florist were all Filipinos.
I hope to go to the parlour tomorrow evening (actually today) after work (I'm still at work), so if anyone of you who knows Nina would like to join me, just give me a call.
Wednesday, November 28
Friday, November 23
Of bad month and ladybird
This morning, as I was driving to work, I stopped at a traffic light. Not just any traffic light, it was the same junction where I saw the two gagaks sharing the drumstick, and guess what, the birds weren't there. So Kak Idah and Kak Adek will not get their fair share of the drumstick prize of knowing the Bird song.
I then looked down at my jeans and saw a ladybird. Don't ask me how it got there, but my guess it it must have flown/found its way on me when I got in the car. Ladybird...still got the word bird there since its bird week, what a coincidence!! It started to crawl everywhere, and I didn't panic. Don't know where it ended, probably in my baju, but I had to focus on my driving. Okay enough of birds!!
It has been such a bad week for me. I missed my revenue target by USD98K, all because of imcompetent fools and tools.
USD32K, because of clients yang tak tahu what data they've got, we wasted too much time sorting out their database sampai project got delayed.
USD25K because a tool got stuck in the hole while drilling. Which meant that they had to stop drilling, recover the tool and then continue. As a result, we could not complete our work sebab data pun belum acquire/measure lagi, hence tak leh start the project.
USD41K sebab another segment that I was relying on just &@cked up their QC. Today, I had to spend an excruciating hour explaining to the client why we will be very delayed on that project. Client pun kecut jugak sebab he too has now got to go back to his management and explain the situation. So unfortunate that this has to happen to a project with a very high visibility.
Looks like I may not be able to achieve my target of 1.6M for the year, which will affect my bonus. I sometimes wonder why I even bother. Next week I have to attend a workshop and miss Dina's competition...my life is starting to look like a typical American movie. Mother (usually its the dad) too caught up with work, trying to secure money for a stupid organization and still fail in the end....and to top it all off, her kids feel neglected.
I then looked down at my jeans and saw a ladybird. Don't ask me how it got there, but my guess it it must have flown/found its way on me when I got in the car. Ladybird...still got the word bird there since its bird week, what a coincidence!! It started to crawl everywhere, and I didn't panic. Don't know where it ended, probably in my baju, but I had to focus on my driving. Okay enough of birds!!
It has been such a bad week for me. I missed my revenue target by USD98K, all because of imcompetent fools and tools.
USD32K, because of clients yang tak tahu what data they've got, we wasted too much time sorting out their database sampai project got delayed.
USD25K because a tool got stuck in the hole while drilling. Which meant that they had to stop drilling, recover the tool and then continue. As a result, we could not complete our work sebab data pun belum acquire/measure lagi, hence tak leh start the project.
USD41K sebab another segment that I was relying on just &@cked up their QC. Today, I had to spend an excruciating hour explaining to the client why we will be very delayed on that project. Client pun kecut jugak sebab he too has now got to go back to his management and explain the situation. So unfortunate that this has to happen to a project with a very high visibility.
Looks like I may not be able to achieve my target of 1.6M for the year, which will affect my bonus. I sometimes wonder why I even bother. Next week I have to attend a workshop and miss Dina's competition...my life is starting to look like a typical American movie. Mother (usually its the dad) too caught up with work, trying to secure money for a stupid organization and still fail in the end....and to top it all off, her kids feel neglected.
Thursday, November 22
I'm thankful for
I've been tagged by Sheila, its quite a difficult one for me because its made me realize that I need to slow down a bit and appreciate the finer things in life...
So here goes, these are the things (not sure if I have to list 10, but I will anyways) that I'm thankful for everyday of my life...
1. My comfy tilam and creaking bed.
2. Clean water and toilet.
3. Dermalogica.
4. Hand phones.
5. Computers.
6. ATM cards.
7. Handbags and clothes.
8. Blogs..what a great way to keep in touch.
9. Music when I'm caught in jams.
10. Cable TV
So here goes, these are the things (not sure if I have to list 10, but I will anyways) that I'm thankful for everyday of my life...
1. My comfy tilam and creaking bed.
2. Clean water and toilet.
3. Dermalogica.
4. Hand phones.
5. Computers.
6. ATM cards.
7. Handbags and clothes.
8. Blogs..what a great way to keep in touch.
9. Music when I'm caught in jams.
10. Cable TV
Still on birds
I'm a bird,
I'm a bird,
I'm a very special bird,
I'm a bird,
I'm a bird,
I can give you the word,
I've got home,
In your home,
I've got home,
In the sky,
I can talk, walk,
Can you fly?
How many of you remember the song from the Big Blue Marble? Anyone? Anyone?
Call me, sing it, and you get to claim a prize :-)
I'm a bird,
I'm a very special bird,
I'm a bird,
I'm a bird,
I can give you the word,
I've got home,
In your home,
I've got home,
In the sky,
I can talk, walk,
Can you fly?
How many of you remember the song from the Big Blue Marble? Anyone? Anyone?
Call me, sing it, and you get to claim a prize :-)
Tuesday, November 20
Sehati Berdansa, Empat Kaki Sejiwa
Okay I have not watched this Sehati Berdansa programme but read about it twice already in the papers. Once over the week-end when they showed a picture of As Feminin who is one of the peserta, and again today because the first couple to leave, i.e. Radhi OAG and wife complained that there is a bit of "pilih kasih" involved.
I actually saw some footage of their dancing last night on Astro Awani. OMG, what's wrong with these people, their dancing was bad!! I mean really bad! But of course I have not seen how bad the rest are, but they were pathetic. Wifey was invited into Awani's studio (Gala TV) and she actually said the same thing, something along the lines of, "rasa terkilan sebab ada unsur-unsur pilih kasih". So sad when people don't realize that its not easy to be sejiwa when you have four legs...four left legs.
Moving on to empat kaki sejiwa, and since Kakak has secara tidak langsung proclaimed Minggu Burung (Tua?) through yesterday's entry. This morning on my way to work, I had to stop at a red light. And saw two burung gagaks perching on the traffic lights' post. The kind that hangs over the junction (not the tiang one, if you know what I mean). One of the birds was clutching onto some food, it looked like it was once a drumstick, but still has a bit of meat left. That bird gigit some meat and passed the drumstick to the other bird. These birds were actually sharing the food. It was a beautiful sight. I don't know about you all, but I've always thought that gagaks fight for food. Seeing the two of them pass the food back and forth to each other left me with a great feeling. I am going to share this story with the girls, three things that one can learn...
1. Its good to share
2. If you are willing to share, please give it up (whatever it is that you're sharing) willingly.
3. If you want people to share anything with you, wait until they give it to you.
I actually saw some footage of their dancing last night on Astro Awani. OMG, what's wrong with these people, their dancing was bad!! I mean really bad! But of course I have not seen how bad the rest are, but they were pathetic. Wifey was invited into Awani's studio (Gala TV) and she actually said the same thing, something along the lines of, "rasa terkilan sebab ada unsur-unsur pilih kasih". So sad when people don't realize that its not easy to be sejiwa when you have four legs...four left legs.
Moving on to empat kaki sejiwa, and since Kakak has secara tidak langsung proclaimed Minggu Burung (Tua?) through yesterday's entry. This morning on my way to work, I had to stop at a red light. And saw two burung gagaks perching on the traffic lights' post. The kind that hangs over the junction (not the tiang one, if you know what I mean). One of the birds was clutching onto some food, it looked like it was once a drumstick, but still has a bit of meat left. That bird gigit some meat and passed the drumstick to the other bird. These birds were actually sharing the food. It was a beautiful sight. I don't know about you all, but I've always thought that gagaks fight for food. Seeing the two of them pass the food back and forth to each other left me with a great feeling. I am going to share this story with the girls, three things that one can learn...
1. Its good to share
2. If you are willing to share, please give it up (whatever it is that you're sharing) willingly.
3. If you want people to share anything with you, wait until they give it to you.
Friday, November 16
My Commentary Drive Evaluation
I have to sit for my yearly Commentary Drive evaluation in an hour. Basically I get into one of our company's Camry with our Journey Management Plan Manager and he sits back and I drive. Throughout this hour or so, all he does is tell me where to go, while I talk to myself. I talk to myself. I talk to myself. Basically anything that comes to my mind while driving, what I see, what I anticipate. So I think about what I'm going to do, say what I'm going to do, then do it.
I'm telling you, this company is mental!!
Just wanted to share the following with you all, because it's like I'm revising for the test.
So, the Schlumberger's DriveSMARRT policy is...
Search the horizon..look ahead as far as possible, be aware of your red, yellow and green zone...all around your vehicle
Maintain space and visibility...Stay back and see it all, keep your distance, 4 seconds rule...
Always move your eyes...scan don't stare, alternate between rearview and side mirrors.
Recognize and Respond...be prepared, expect the unexpected...
Take control - be seen....use your horn, lights and signal...make sure people see you
Okay then, wish me luck.
I'm telling you, this company is mental!!
Just wanted to share the following with you all, because it's like I'm revising for the test.
So, the Schlumberger's DriveSMARRT policy is...
Search the horizon..look ahead as far as possible, be aware of your red, yellow and green zone...all around your vehicle
Maintain space and visibility...Stay back and see it all, keep your distance, 4 seconds rule...
Always move your eyes...scan don't stare, alternate between rearview and side mirrors.
Recognize and Respond...be prepared, expect the unexpected...
Take control - be seen....use your horn, lights and signal...make sure people see you
Okay then, wish me luck.
Wednesday, November 14
Happy Birthday Alwi
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to Mister Alwi,
Happy Birthday to you...
If there was one person that I would give my heart to...it will be you because I know that you will take a very good care of it...literally :-)
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to Mister Alwi,
Happy Birthday to you...
If there was one person that I would give my heart to...it will be you because I know that you will take a very good care of it...literally :-)
Tagged by Eintanz - The Love Chain
I've been tagged by Eintanz.
This is like one of those chain emails that you get, where you add your name to a long list of people who agree to a certain petition that would make a change to the life of a Somalian girl whose been raped but is facing a death penalty for adultery...yeah something like that but its to spread love y'all...love...
So here is how it works.
Add your name to the list and let it grow...(background music..Can You Feel the Love Tonight...)
eintanz chili chatz
I'd like to tag
My Soul's Palette
He! He!
This is like one of those chain emails that you get, where you add your name to a long list of people who agree to a certain petition that would make a change to the life of a Somalian girl whose been raped but is facing a death penalty for adultery...yeah something like that but its to spread love y'all...love...
So here is how it works.
Add your name to the list and let it grow...(background music..Can You Feel the Love Tonight...)
eintanz chili chatz
I'd like to tag
My Soul's Palette
He! He!
Tuesday, November 13
Message for Intan
Hi Intan,
I have updated the Raya post with the mandi hujan XXX photos...as you've requested.
I have updated the Raya post with the mandi hujan XXX photos...as you've requested.
Friday, November 9
Happy Birthday Kakak
Happy Birthady Kakak!! Kakak also celebrates her birthday today. Our parents started and ended on the same day...exactly 10 years apart. Kakak 9/11/62 and Yuz 9/11/72 (Yeah! That's what 10 years apart mean). Kakak once told me, "Yuz, every turn of a decade for you would be just like it was for me...10 years ago".
I once asked Mama when I was very little...like 7 years old or something, "Mama kenapa Yuz kena share birthday dengan kakak? Tiap-tiap tahun kena share cake. Kenapa kena share? Kak Adek dengan Kak Idah tak share pun" Don't know why I complained, its not that I liked eating cake.
When I turned 5 and Kakak turned 15, she baked a cake for us. Cake tu siap ada cream lagi. Come to think of it, Kak Adek and Kak Idah also baked me a birthday cake when I turned 13. That cake ada dark chocolate topping. They sprinkled chopped almonds over it. It was delicious. That year I invited a few friends over for my birthday and Kak Adek/Kak Idah organised the games, my friends and I had a great time. Its really great to know that you have sisters who will always be there for you.
Coming back to my question to Mama...she said "Yuz kena share dengan Kakak sebab you were born on the same day, you can not change that. Ramai orang nak share birthday macam ni tau, Kak Adek dengan Kak Idah pun nak share kalau boleh" She then told me how a lot of people were amazed about our birth dates that when I was born, a few of the non-Muslim nurses in the hospital wanted to buy numbers sebab "manyak ong". That made me feel special, and now sharing the birthday is no longer an issue for me, everyone in the family tend to not forget...well actually yang selalu lupa birth dates are only Kak Idah and I. And Kak Idah can't forget our birthdays because tomorrow is her anniversary :-)
Anyways Happy Birthday Kakak. May you have another great year. Thanks a lot for all the "baby"ing all these years. You know that you have not stopped right? Love you lots.
I once asked Mama when I was very little...like 7 years old or something, "Mama kenapa Yuz kena share birthday dengan kakak? Tiap-tiap tahun kena share cake. Kenapa kena share? Kak Adek dengan Kak Idah tak share pun" Don't know why I complained, its not that I liked eating cake.
When I turned 5 and Kakak turned 15, she baked a cake for us. Cake tu siap ada cream lagi. Come to think of it, Kak Adek and Kak Idah also baked me a birthday cake when I turned 13. That cake ada dark chocolate topping. They sprinkled chopped almonds over it. It was delicious. That year I invited a few friends over for my birthday and Kak Adek/Kak Idah organised the games, my friends and I had a great time. Its really great to know that you have sisters who will always be there for you.
Coming back to my question to Mama...she said "Yuz kena share dengan Kakak sebab you were born on the same day, you can not change that. Ramai orang nak share birthday macam ni tau, Kak Adek dengan Kak Idah pun nak share kalau boleh" She then told me how a lot of people were amazed about our birth dates that when I was born, a few of the non-Muslim nurses in the hospital wanted to buy numbers sebab "manyak ong". That made me feel special, and now sharing the birthday is no longer an issue for me, everyone in the family tend to not forget...well actually yang selalu lupa birth dates are only Kak Idah and I. And Kak Idah can't forget our birthdays because tomorrow is her anniversary :-)
Anyways Happy Birthday Kakak. May you have another great year. Thanks a lot for all the "baby"ing all these years. You know that you have not stopped right? Love you lots.
Happy Birthday Yuz - Part 2
The first person to wish me a Happy Birthday this morning was Papa. On my way out of my toilet this morning, he called me to help him with his problematic Streamyx connection and in the midst of it all, he suddenly remembered that it was my birthday and he gave me a kiss...that's one of the "extras" that one gets when they live with their parents :-)
Then I got ready to go to work. I went down and was ambushed by the girls and Kam in the kitchen. Kam woke up early today and cooked breakfast for the girls and to wish me a Happy Birthday. I received a red rose from each of the girls, and a beautiful bouquet of purple roses from Kam...very nice. Soon after that the girls spoke to Kakak and wished her a Happy Birthday.
There were a few messages on my handphone, but I only managed to check them on my way to work. Don't worry I checked them at traffic lights. It was then that I realized that technically Yana was the first to wish me, her text message came in at 4 minutes past 12. Thanks dear, unfortunately I was in bed by 8 last night. Ebi also sent me a message at a quarter to 12, so technically although he was earlier than Yana, he actually wished me a day earlier, so Yana gets the trophy :-)
Both Kak Adek and Kak Idah tried to get hold of me in the morning, but I was rushing to get the girls to school, so very sorry sistas!! Thank you all for the panjang usia and such wishes...I feel so loved!! MO I love your birthday wish. Is Brad Pitt the surprise element in the "surprise" birthday party?
Got into the office and went for a long breakfast, rasa macam gomen pulak :-) Then while doing work, one of my office mates wished me a Happy Birthday and immediately fell into tears. I cried along and dragged her to a "pick-me-up" lunch with Kakak and I. I mean what more could a young girl need right? A good lunch always help especially in great company like Kakak (the wise one yang pandai makan crab with chopsticks and a long tool of steel that looks like its rightful place is in an OT or even in the hands of Yana the dino dame)...and I.
So now after a long lunch, I truly am a Gomen servant.
Then I got ready to go to work. I went down and was ambushed by the girls and Kam in the kitchen. Kam woke up early today and cooked breakfast for the girls and to wish me a Happy Birthday. I received a red rose from each of the girls, and a beautiful bouquet of purple roses from Kam...very nice. Soon after that the girls spoke to Kakak and wished her a Happy Birthday.
There were a few messages on my handphone, but I only managed to check them on my way to work. Don't worry I checked them at traffic lights. It was then that I realized that technically Yana was the first to wish me, her text message came in at 4 minutes past 12. Thanks dear, unfortunately I was in bed by 8 last night. Ebi also sent me a message at a quarter to 12, so technically although he was earlier than Yana, he actually wished me a day earlier, so Yana gets the trophy :-)
Both Kak Adek and Kak Idah tried to get hold of me in the morning, but I was rushing to get the girls to school, so very sorry sistas!! Thank you all for the panjang usia and such wishes...I feel so loved!! MO I love your birthday wish. Is Brad Pitt the surprise element in the "surprise" birthday party?
Got into the office and went for a long breakfast, rasa macam gomen pulak :-) Then while doing work, one of my office mates wished me a Happy Birthday and immediately fell into tears. I cried along and dragged her to a "pick-me-up" lunch with Kakak and I. I mean what more could a young girl need right? A good lunch always help especially in great company like Kakak (the wise one yang pandai makan crab with chopsticks and a long tool of steel that looks like its rightful place is in an OT or even in the hands of Yana the dino dame)...and I.
So now after a long lunch, I truly am a Gomen servant.
Did you know?
Did you know that you can't get to the carpark through KL Plaza from outside the building at 1.45 am in the morning?
Did you know that Kak Idah's expensive Marilyn LV bag will never ever know what its like to feel some rain drops falling on it?
Did you know that if you run really fast from Planet's entrance to KL Plaza in really heavy rain, you will still get wet?
Did you know that Sarimah can't quite sing live? Well I guess that's nothing new...
Did you know that Adi does not know Sarimah?
Did you know that Kak Idah's expensive Marilyn LV bag will never ever know what its like to feel some rain drops falling on it?
Did you know that if you run really fast from Planet's entrance to KL Plaza in really heavy rain, you will still get wet?
Did you know that Sarimah can't quite sing live? Well I guess that's nothing new...
Did you know that Adi does not know Sarimah?
Wednesday, November 7
Happy Birthday Yuz
I celebrated my 21st birthday today. Started the day with an interesting call from Kak Adek who promised me Brad Pitt look alikes. Not sure yet between Ke Pitt, Sam Pritt or Kam Pitt...probably Kam Pitt.
Then I had a strenuous meeting with Petronas...the usual bagi betis mintak peha scene. After that we all adjourned to the Little Penang Cafe where I treated everyone to lunch...its like a tradition in our segment for the Birthday Girl/Boy to treat everyone.
They bought me a cake but I was too embarassed to cut it in Little Penang, so we went back to the office and "quietly" sang the birthday song.

Then I had a strenuous meeting with Petronas...the usual bagi betis mintak peha scene. After that we all adjourned to the Little Penang Cafe where I treated everyone to lunch...its like a tradition in our segment for the Birthday Girl/Boy to treat everyone.
They bought me a cake but I was too embarassed to cut it in Little Penang, so we went back to the office and "quietly" sang the birthday song.
Monday, November 5
Mathematical Equations
Okay, I received a very interesting email from a dear exBB friend Ellis.
Beauty of Math!
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Brilliant, isn't it?
And look at this symmetry:
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=12345678987654321
Now, take a look at this...
>From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:
What Equals 100%?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?
We have all been in situations where someone wants you to
How about ACHIEVING 101%?
What equals 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help
answer these questions:
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:
12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:
While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will
get you there, It's the Love of God that will put you over the top!
It's up to you if you share this with your friends & loved ones just
the way I did.
Have a nice day & God bless !!
That's the content of the email, what I'd like to ask all of you is....who decides if you've given your all?
Our hubbies/wives/kids/parents/boss? Whose opinion matters most?
Sometimes when I'm faced with a difficult colleague, I always ask myself...hey, dia ni tak sedar ke the kind of problems that he/she is putting me through? You know what, maybe they really tak sedar because as far as they are concerned, they have given their all, they believe that they have given 101%. So siapa yang bodoh, mereka dan keluarga mereka (famous line from Ringgit Kasorga) or me?
Beauty of Math!
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Brilliant, isn't it?
And look at this symmetry:
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=12345678987654321
Now, take a look at this...
>From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:
What Equals 100%?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?
We have all been in situations where someone wants you to
How about ACHIEVING 101%?
What equals 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help
answer these questions:
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:
12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:
While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will
get you there, It's the Love of God that will put you over the top!
It's up to you if you share this with your friends & loved ones just
the way I did.
Have a nice day & God bless !!
That's the content of the email, what I'd like to ask all of you is....who decides if you've given your all?
Our hubbies/wives/kids/parents/boss? Whose opinion matters most?
Sometimes when I'm faced with a difficult colleague, I always ask myself...hey, dia ni tak sedar ke the kind of problems that he/she is putting me through? You know what, maybe they really tak sedar because as far as they are concerned, they have given their all, they believe that they have given 101%. So siapa yang bodoh, mereka dan keluarga mereka (famous line from Ringgit Kasorga) or me?
Thursday, November 1
My name is not Norhayati
"Okay Norhayati, the baby is still high now, so you don't push yet okay"...."My name is NOT Norhayati, my name is Noratikah!!"
Begitulah antara scene-scene yang menarik that went on in the labour room while Atikah was in labour, but if you hear Arman's version, or more like its the way Arman tells it, it sounded so funny and painless. Anyone whose been through labour would understand the 'Eh-sut-up-you-if-I-feel-like-pushing-I'll-push-okay'. Arman had been in the room since morning, and had not been to the toilet, and badly needed to go. Toilet pulak kat bawah, on a different floor. So he told the doctor that he needed to go, doctor kata takpa can go lambat lagi baby nak keluaq. He came back, Alia was out already...and he missed the whole "bloody" birth.
Alia looks like Arman (pictures to follow after I download it from Kam's phome), and can not be anywhere near Aunty Yuz. Aunty Yuz's suuden bursts of laughter would wake her up. Arman can't even sleep in the same room with her as his one-man-band sounds keep her awake.
Nur Alia (T-car, I hope the spelling is correct) is truly a rojak baby. Arman is Indian Muslim, T-car is half Chinese and the other half is a mix of Jawa, Mat Salleh and Melayu. But when Arman went to register Alia, her race was put as Melayu. Person at the counter, upon checking the documents then said "Cik, bangsa tak boleh letak Melayu lah, kena letak India Muslim". Which means Alia is not a Bumi. Funny lah our registration department because our darling Taufiq being half Chinese and half Malay is Melayu. Arman said, "Takpalah Cik, kalau macam tu saya nak tukaq spelling nama dia...Noor Allleeeyyaa" Of course he didn't do that lah, just wanted to describe how funny Arman is.
Coming back to Arman, I got to know Arman when I was in Matric 2. We spent a lot of our nights together....Ha! Ha! Ha! Together with 2 other amazing friends, Afiza and Kumaran. We were in our hostel's (or Desasiswa in USM) debating team. As Matric students we were all placed in Desa Gemilang, we were Gemilang's debating team. We had to fight all the other desa's debating team, and turned out champions. Imagine, satu USM, budak Matric menang. We then had to represent USM in the Nationals. Of course lah tak leh menang when faced with the likes of Malik Imtiaz Sarwar (who represented UIA). Nasib baik Alwi tak represent UM that year. We were happy that we got that far. Arman was the first speaker, and kept it all together pretty much most of the time...very witty and unpredictable. For example, I will say "Arman, I don't know how to keep a straight face when talking to you" and he'll say "Ok, I will bring a ruler".
Anyways, as we won at the Uni. level, MAS awarded us with tickets to anywhere in Malaysia, we get to pilih, of course we went for Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. It was an experience I shall never forget. We climbed Mount Kinabalu together.
Last night I got a call from Afiza, it was a very pleasant surprise. She told me that one day out of boredom, she decided to google Asuki's name and found...Bicara Lelaki, and from there found all of us, including you Yana. It took her a while to figure out siapa Dino Dame was, but Afeez is smart. She also found out that T-car was pregnant, then decided to give T-car a call. Out of boredom she also does subtitles for Astro. So Afeez, next time you venture to our blogs, jangan malu dan segan, you have now been properly introduced. In fact, I am not surprised if you have your own blog.
Afeez, perhaps we should track down Kumaran as well. Last I heard, he was doing his Masters in UH/UM. He approached my sister Kak Idah, who is also working in UH and told her that he knows me and have actually met Kak Idah when we were all in UM for the debate. We can all have a get together, so Arman when are you coming to KL? Now that you are in between jobs (Arman's version of in between jobs, not the same as all you jhoras ok).
Okay, I need to go off tangent now, and I'm sorry if my thoughts for this particular blog is not quite coherent. I'm just writing so that I will not forget things when I'm much older (hopefully I don't forget how to read by that time). Arman's brother, Kak Idah and Alwi all stayed in the same Kolej kat UM dulu, and Kak Idah actually accidentally broke Arman's brother's finger once. Apparently Alwi was the President and Kak Idah being his girlfriend was the first lady. It was a tradition there to throw the first lady into the fish pond or something obscured like that. And Arman's brother and his friends were doing just that, carrying Kak Idah to be thrown in the pond. She struggled so much that she broke his finger.
Begitulah antara scene-scene yang menarik that went on in the labour room while Atikah was in labour, but if you hear Arman's version, or more like its the way Arman tells it, it sounded so funny and painless. Anyone whose been through labour would understand the 'Eh-sut-up-you-if-I-feel-like-pushing-I'll-push-okay'. Arman had been in the room since morning, and had not been to the toilet, and badly needed to go. Toilet pulak kat bawah, on a different floor. So he told the doctor that he needed to go, doctor kata takpa can go lambat lagi baby nak keluaq. He came back, Alia was out already...and he missed the whole "bloody" birth.
Alia looks like Arman (pictures to follow after I download it from Kam's phome), and can not be anywhere near Aunty Yuz. Aunty Yuz's suuden bursts of laughter would wake her up. Arman can't even sleep in the same room with her as his one-man-band sounds keep her awake.
Nur Alia (T-car, I hope the spelling is correct) is truly a rojak baby. Arman is Indian Muslim, T-car is half Chinese and the other half is a mix of Jawa, Mat Salleh and Melayu. But when Arman went to register Alia, her race was put as Melayu. Person at the counter, upon checking the documents then said "Cik, bangsa tak boleh letak Melayu lah, kena letak India Muslim". Which means Alia is not a Bumi. Funny lah our registration department because our darling Taufiq being half Chinese and half Malay is Melayu. Arman said, "Takpalah Cik, kalau macam tu saya nak tukaq spelling nama dia...Noor Allleeeyyaa" Of course he didn't do that lah, just wanted to describe how funny Arman is.
Coming back to Arman, I got to know Arman when I was in Matric 2. We spent a lot of our nights together....Ha! Ha! Ha! Together with 2 other amazing friends, Afiza and Kumaran. We were in our hostel's (or Desasiswa in USM) debating team. As Matric students we were all placed in Desa Gemilang, we were Gemilang's debating team. We had to fight all the other desa's debating team, and turned out champions. Imagine, satu USM, budak Matric menang. We then had to represent USM in the Nationals. Of course lah tak leh menang when faced with the likes of Malik Imtiaz Sarwar (who represented UIA). Nasib baik Alwi tak represent UM that year. We were happy that we got that far. Arman was the first speaker, and kept it all together pretty much most of the time...very witty and unpredictable. For example, I will say "Arman, I don't know how to keep a straight face when talking to you" and he'll say "Ok, I will bring a ruler".
Anyways, as we won at the Uni. level, MAS awarded us with tickets to anywhere in Malaysia, we get to pilih, of course we went for Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. It was an experience I shall never forget. We climbed Mount Kinabalu together.
Last night I got a call from Afiza, it was a very pleasant surprise. She told me that one day out of boredom, she decided to google Asuki's name and found...Bicara Lelaki, and from there found all of us, including you Yana. It took her a while to figure out siapa Dino Dame was, but Afeez is smart. She also found out that T-car was pregnant, then decided to give T-car a call. Out of boredom she also does subtitles for Astro. So Afeez, next time you venture to our blogs, jangan malu dan segan, you have now been properly introduced. In fact, I am not surprised if you have your own blog.
Afeez, perhaps we should track down Kumaran as well. Last I heard, he was doing his Masters in UH/UM. He approached my sister Kak Idah, who is also working in UH and told her that he knows me and have actually met Kak Idah when we were all in UM for the debate. We can all have a get together, so Arman when are you coming to KL? Now that you are in between jobs (Arman's version of in between jobs, not the same as all you jhoras ok).
Okay, I need to go off tangent now, and I'm sorry if my thoughts for this particular blog is not quite coherent. I'm just writing so that I will not forget things when I'm much older (hopefully I don't forget how to read by that time). Arman's brother, Kak Idah and Alwi all stayed in the same Kolej kat UM dulu, and Kak Idah actually accidentally broke Arman's brother's finger once. Apparently Alwi was the President and Kak Idah being his girlfriend was the first lady. It was a tradition there to throw the first lady into the fish pond or something obscured like that. And Arman's brother and his friends were doing just that, carrying Kak Idah to be thrown in the pond. She struggled so much that she broke his finger.
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