Ahh....Saturday, the big day, the day of the much awaited concert. I wanted to go do my hair (after procrastinating for almost 2 weeks). Must go! Must go!
So I woke up early konon-kononnya nak gi KLCC early to go to the salon. Then while I was in the toilet, I heard Danial shout, "Mummy, Yara tunggu nak mandi! I take out the towel ya?" Then I remembered that I promised him that we would mandikan Yara and Jem.
So after my shower and breakfast, I mandikan the cats. Yara was asleep, so I decided to work on Jem the kitten instead. Jem turned up at our door a few weeks ago (pretty much the same way Yara turned up). And the poor kitten was meowing away, more like crying away, sampai hilang suara. Sampai sekarang suara dia tak berapa ada. Mula-mula we all tak layan, then we realized that she was not going away, and just stayed either bawah tempat kasut, dalam kasut, or behind the bicycle. Walaupun Yara kept on hissing and pawing at her, she still stayed. Kam wanted to send her to the pasar, but I decided to keep her instead. Anyways, I suspect that the mandi session on Saturday was Jem's first experience. Luckily she is small, she tried to claw her way out of the sink, but between the four of us (Dina, Dania, Danial and I), we managed...Dina to pour water, Dania to put shampoo and scrub her, and Mummy to hold her down. Danial just guarded the door and scolded her for not keeping still.
Next was Yara, who was still asleep. Carried her to the toilet and asked Yani to help me as Ustaz baru sampai and the kids had to mengaji. Anyways they would not have been able to help me with Yara as she's bigger and heavier..need big hands. Yani poured water, and I scrubbed. It amazes me how Yara can keep still waktu mandi and allow us to touch her body (including stomach) but at other times, try stroking her perut, sure kena cakar punya. So Yara's mandi session went okay. After that wrapped her up in the towel and started on towelling her dry. Baru sentuh kaki sikit aje, she hissed at me...Fine, I'll leave you alone. One thing about Yara, she will stay in the house after mandi until she is totally dry, smart cat, so I don't have to worry about her picking up dirt on her wet hair.
By then it was already 11 am. No time to go do hair. Got the girls ready for ballet, and picked up their gym friend, Athiyah at Menara Polo. Athiyah's mum had to go to the US and her dad was busy, so I took her to Lot 10 as we were heading to gymnastics straight after that. Went jalan-jalan at Lot 10, bought the girls a new gym diary. They have to keep a log of what they did in gym, their weight before and after training, and what they've eaten the entire day. And it works, they see the correlation between their weight and what they eat. Dania can predict if she will be heavy or not based on what she eats. Dina who loves to eat is always on denial mode...No I did not put on weight, and always writes things like bread and soup instead of what she really ate. Anyways, I told her to be true to herself and write truthfully. I'll upload a video of what happens when her weight is "abnormally" high (which is about 400 - 500 g).
After buying the diary, I ventured into Aussino...great bargains for members, less 70%. I went there to buy a gift for Ja'far but ended up buying the gift and sheets (DAMN!!) Then it was time to pick the girls up and we headed to Bukit Jalil. On the way, the girls ate a nugget each (Athiyah brought four nuggets) and shared an apple. I went through McD's drive thru but both Dina and Athiyah asked me to buy Prosperity Foldover which they were going to eat AFTER the training not before. Dania asked for one piece of chicken and Danial had nuggets. On the way home I stopped over at Petronas to fill up and also isi angin. Only managed to isi angin in one side (both front and back) as it started to rain. I noticed the back tyre hardly had any air, and suspected that there was a paku or screw or whatever. Seems to be happening a lot to me lately because of the construction sebelah rumah Papa/Mama. Pergi check tyre and the guy did npt even have to dismantle the tyre as we could see the paku.
Straight after paying him, I sent Danial home and went to KLCC to do my hair. Did my hair, nails, threaded my kenings and upper lip. Rushed home, Yana was already there. Quickly changed and showered and went down. Nani dah sampai, but was putting on her fake lashes. Yana and Rahimi were eating. Soon after, we left for KLCC on the elevated highway. We rushed towards the tunnel to KLConvention, and saw Ebi and Kak Ana eating at KFC. Made a pit stop and curi some ayam. Kak Ana told us to wait as she wanted to walk with us but Ebi said, "I want to eat with my wife, never mind you all go first, I'll send her" So okaylah we continued on our way. Met the rest of the jhoras and we went in. Duduk-duduk aje, Kak Idah and Alwi called me over to their place to do the ultimate test, to see if I was Cinderella or the ugly step sisters. I could fit into the Ferragamo shoes that Alwi bought for Kak Idah. This is my birthday present for the next 3 years.
Concert started and I immediately stood up....and started to fart. I farted throughout the night, didn't I mention that I had a perut kembung problem. Nani was worried that the stranger next to her would think that she's the culprit. Yes, a stranger joined us because it was not fun sitting with her husband. She wanted to dance. 45 minutes later, Nani turned to me and asked me if her eyes were still brown or blue/ or grey or whatever colour that she was wearing that night. I could not see, it was quite dark. She used her handphone for some form of illumination...yes, it is still there. A few minutes after that she asked me if her lashes were still intact, "No, dah nak terkeluar", so she pulled them off. She then used her handphone again for some light "Nampak tak glue dia?" "Dak" The concert was really great. Really, really enjoyed it.
The night was made perfect with our stop at KSS and HRC. Alwi got us a table as usual...he even took his shoes off that night and walked a few steps barefooted at the Lobby of the Concorde. Don't ask me why, I have forgotten.